[G4] problem capturing video or copying large files to SCSI hard drive

T. Brown / groucho btgroucho at earthlink.net
Sat Mar 15 18:59:31 PST 2003

On Saturday, March 15, 2003, at 04:43  PM, Judy Antipin wrote:

>  The 36G scsi drive that's giving me problems is not partitioned at 
> all. The factory installed internal hard drive (I incorrectly said it 
> was IDE, it's ATA) is 60G and has four partitions, but I'm not having 
> a problem with that drive.

I know, but that was the drive I am concern about as far as partition 
sizes. How large is the system partition and how much room is left ?

>  it's copying and doing video capture with large files TO the SCSI 
> drive that causes system hangs.
Yes I understood that.

This is in OS X correct ?


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