Installing RAM on iBook Myself

Anne Keller-Smith earthpigz at
Sat Mar 22 05:56:59 PST 2003

Hi all,

Would you all recommend I do my own installation
of RAM on my Graphite iBook? If my local Apple
place does it it will be $90 for 128MB and then
$95 for installation. If Macwarehouse sells me
the RAM and then walks through the installation
over the phone, I'm looking at $49.

I know laptops have small components and
things are kind of sandwiched in, so installing
RAM on these is not nearly the piece of cake
it was on the G4 tower.

The iBook is way out of warranty, so there's
voiding the warranty issue here. Just will I
break the whole thang?

Anne Keller Smith, Webdesign
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