[G4] S-video to firewire

baggins baggins at ihug.co.nz
Tue May 6 22:49:04 PDT 2003

on 7/5/03 1:51 AM, Jim Asherman at jimash at optonline.net wrote:

> On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 06:40  AM, Ralph Garrett wrote:
>> On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 22:13 US/Central, David M. DeFelice wrote:
>>> Have a G4, I want to use imovies to make a highlight tape for my
>>> high school wrestling team. I have a video camera that has
>>> s-video only out. imovie wants firwire.  What can i do?
>>> =====
>>> PTL
>>> David M. DeFelice
>>> ----G4 733, 768mb, 60gHD,  &  7600G3/400/200-XLR8carrier, OS9.1 &
>>> VPC4.0, RATOC-3fire/2usb, maxtor-40G exfireHD, iomega-100 Zip, 768ram,
>>> 21"Hatachi-801HR, RageOrion-16MB, EzQuest-16x10x40 firewireCDRW
>> Doesn't your 7600 have s-video inputs? You'll need video capture
>> software for it too.
>> Ralph
> 7600's video input is not that  good. Get an orangelink firewire card.
> JIm
the 7600 has great video capture as long as you have increased the video ram
and use another card as the display source.
and the dv dazzle is a good solution to the problem and only use your g4 for
video work.

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