[G4] 10.2.5

Tracker at aol.com Tracker at aol.com
Thu May 8 18:54:54 PDT 2003

My empirical proof that ClarisWorks doesn't work with newer versions of OS-X is that it continually crashed when I had it installed on my B&W G3 and on my G3 Wallstreet laptop.

Both machines are running v10.2.5 now, but the crashes started after upgrading to v10.2. It ran in v10.1, although I thought it was a bit slower than in OS-9.2.

I have not bothered to research people having problems with ClarisWorks other than my local Mac User Group members. Five out of Six said they had the same problems - crashing after saving a document, locking up the desktop on opening the program, and refusing to allow a quit command from the keyboard.

Removing the preference file didn't help a bit, the problems remained. Doing a complete re-installation just let the program duplicate the errors. Finally removing the program and installing AppleWorks instead gave us all the word processing ability once again.

If ClarisWorks is working for other people using OS-X v10.2.x, all I can say is that they are having better luck than we did with it and I apologize for the generality of my statement.

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