[G4] G4 CPU

Snoke Jay S NPRI SnokeJS at Npt.NUWC.Navy.Mil
Thu May 22 08:31:34 PDT 2003

Sorry, Drew.  It won't work for your Beige.  if you need a ZIF, you have to buy a ZIF...
Jay Snoke

> ----------
> From: 	Drew Taylor
> Reply To: 	Power Macintosh G4 List
> Sent: 	Thursday, May 22, 2003 11:31 AM
> To: 	Power Macintosh G4 List
> Subject: 	[G4] G4 CPU
> Hi all,
> I've found a G4 CPU for sale, but the description says it's for 
> AGP-based G4s. I haven't heard back from the seller yet, but I assume 
> this means it's not a ZIF. Is there a way I can use this CPU to upgrade 
> my beige g3? Can I get a ZIF holder w/o the CPU? I hope there is a way 
> because the price is right. Thanks for any tips.
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Drew Taylor          *  Web app development & consulting
> drew at drewtaylor.com  *  Site implementation & hosting
> www.drewtaylor.com   *  perl/mod_perl/DBI/mysql/postgres
> ---------------------------------------------------------

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