Radeon 85000

Ron Michaud rmichau2 at maine.rr.com
Mon May 26 09:33:28 PDT 2003

I installed the 8600 in my MAC G4 350 AGP model in the AGP slot.  I also
installed a GIGA design 800 MHz upgrade.  Since that time I have had nothing
but problems with Keynote and the DVD player.

Keynote will not run a slide show and the DVD program does not work
indicating it does not support my system.

I have reviewed the ATI web site and followed the suggestion to run the
10/02 update as modified 02/03 and then ran the 10.2.6 update from an image
file.  Net result no improvement.

I have also noted that OS X will not boot properly after either using the
ATI or 10.2.6 updates.  The reboot after update results in a gray screen.
Safe boot will enable me to get to the desk top.  After much experimenting,
I found that by removing the 8500 kext file after either update via OS 9,
and booting back into OS X, the system works.  I then add the 8500 kext file
back via OS 9 and reboot and it works.  Yet if I apply the updates the
problem begins again.  Moving the kext file out, rebooting and moving it
back in and rebooting and the grey screens problem is gone but the DVD and
keynote problems remain.

I am at a dead end.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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