New system...

Snow White jj4 at
Fri Nov 7 23:54:30 PST 2003

Well, everyone else that spoke, talked about the video aspect, but 
money was mentioned.

Given that the new G5s kick the snot out of the  biggest baddest G4 I 
would lean to G5, BUT if money and compatability are a problem - the 
Dual 1.25 G4 is only $1599.00 and refurbished is $1399.00 straight from 
Apple.  You could buy 2 of these for almost the same as a Dual 2Ghz G5 
- maybe you can use 2 or maybe you want the $ to upgrade something else.

If I were to buy a G5 it would be the Dual 2Ghz G5 and I would want 
lots of RAM too, in 1 gig chips at that so I can get my 8 gig 
eventually.  IMO This computer will be current (very usable) for a long 
time (3 or 4 years minimum) due to its ability to hold so much RAM.  
Just plan to max it out at 8 gig by the end.

If anyone has a G5 and loaded photoshop or final cut into a Ram disk 
and run some tests I would love to see the resulting benchmarks.


On Friday, November 7, 2003, at 08:20 PM, Power Macintosh G4 List wrote:

> New system...
> Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.4.20.0311071105020.4751-100000 at>
> mm, just got the news from my boss that a new video editing machine is
> coming my way-now here is the dilemma--G4 or G5?? of course part of the
> choice will depend on my total budget for the purchase, bust i thought 
> i
> would like to hear others opinions. (personally i am definitely leaning
> towards the dual G5) but if that price wont fly, would a dual G4 out
> perform the single G5's in a price/performance arena??  it will all be
> used for editing both DV and MPEG2 content, and output to both DVD and
> web/presentation.
> thanks for the help
> sandor

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