[G4] Text-to-Speech is broken in Panther 10.3.3

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Sat Apr 24 10:54:03 PDT 2004

On 04/24/04, RevDave <Lists at domains4days.com> wrote:
> Message-ID: <BCAE7CBE.B883%Lists at domains4days.com>
> On 4/23/04 6:05 AM, "Richard Kriss" <kriss at qsl.net> wrote:
>> I am sorry to report it is still broken in 10.3.3 with Tex-Edit Plus 4.6.7.
>> I was not even aware of the issue.  Have you reported it to Tom Bender?
> -  Yes I did. Tom said it was an apple problem and nothing to do with his
> program.
> Is there a  URL on the Apple WebSite that I can report this problem?

You can file bugs at
<https://bugreport.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/RadarWeb.woa>, which
requires you to join (for free) the Apple Developer Connection at

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