Did I fry my Apple display?

Jim Robertson jamesrob at sonic.net
Fri Aug 6 18:55:32 PDT 2004

I have been planning to transfer my dual 1 GHz G4 to my son, who's learning
Flash and needs more horsepower. I bought a dual 1.8 GHz G5, then recently
an Apple 17" LCD Studio Display just like my other one (the current model).
Unfortunately, I can't put a computer in his room onto my 10/100bT network,
so I resigned myself to using Airport in his dual G4.

HERE's where things get fuzzy. My wireless base station is a Netgear 802.11g
router and ethernet switch. It works fine with the Airport Extreme card in
my Al PB, and with the Airport card in my son's TiBook. HOWEVER, when I
bought and installed an Airport card in the G4 Dual 1 GHz, NOTHING I could
do would make the dual G4 "see" the wireless router. I verified that the
card was good (swapped it with the one in the TiBook). I decided that the
antenna must be the problem, so I decided to put an 802.11g PCI card in the
dual 1 GHz G4. I installed the card with the computer plugged in (for
grounding) but powered down. As I installed the card (a Motorola card sold
for PCs only but claimed to work on multiple Mac forums), the computer
started booting. I pulled the power cord to stop booting and completed the
card installation.

Now, when I plug the monitor connector into the computer, it starts to boot
and the "sleep" LED on the right lower corner of the monitor bezel glows
brightly. The computer emits the single long monotone that says "hosed
motherboard," and it won't boot. I took the PCI wireless card back out but
nothing changed.

Now here's where things get REALLY weird. I decided that perhaps there was a
hardware incompatibility between the Mac's video card and the PCI networking
card, and perhaps I'd hosed the G4's video card, but just to be certain, I
tried plugging the G4 dual into my other 17" studio display, AND IT BOOTS111

So, I tried plugging my G5 dual into the studio display that isn't playing
nice, and the G5 emits the warning motherboard monotone!!

So, it appears that installing the PCI networking card has somehow done
something bad not to the video card, but to the Studio Display itself. Does
this make any sense? Any suggestions what I should do next?

Any guesses MORE than welcome!

Jim Robertson

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