New to iMac

Kevin Willis res19rmg at
Tue Aug 10 14:56:48 PDT 2004

	I just purchased a 500 Mhz iMac from a auction site.  I know this is 
probably the wrong list to post to, but I have never dealt with an 
iMac, so I haven't subscribed to their list.  I am hoping someone here 
has some experience with them and is willing to enlighten me.

	The computer came with everything but a hard drive and is said to 
work.  I have a new Western Digital 40 GB IDE HD that I put in it.  
When I installed it, I noticed the slot loading CD Drive didn't have a 
power cable and it looked like a 50 pin SCSI cable plugged in to it.  
The next plug on the cable that attaches to the HD is IDE.  I have 
tried setting the jumpers on the HD to Master Single, Master w/Slave, 
Slave, and Cable Select.  I inserted a bootable OS 9 cd into it and 
started up with the "C" key held down.  I can't seem to get it to boot 
though.  Is there a secret to getting one of these things to work?



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