Does QuickSilver G4/733 have PMU?

Al Poulin alpoulin at
Thu Aug 12 11:40:36 PDT 2004

Some of you saw my plea on the G-List, but here I am trying again because I
did not get the answer.  Sorry for dual-posting.

A couple days ago, the Tech Tails Newsletter from Small Dog Electronics
mentions resetting the Power Management Unit in a QuickSilver G4.  The
article refers to the Apple support pages for details.  I found Article ID
95037 which discusses the AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet G4s.  However, there
is nothing about PMUs in QuickSilver machines.

Does my QuickSilver G4/733 have a PMU?  Is the reset process the same as for
the Graphics and Gigabit units?  Is the PMU the same thing as a CUDA switch?

Many thanks,

Al Poulin
Anger, hate, and revenge are for the devil, forgiveness is for God,
proactive self-defense is for the rest of us.

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