[G4] G4 350 Yikes Hard Drive...

Lavode lavode at comcast.net
Sat Jan 31 08:51:52 PST 2004

On Saturday, January 31, 2004, at 08:09  AM, Michael McCracken wrote:

> I am looking to add more hard drive space to my G4 350 Yikes machine.  
> I had heard rumor of there being an upper limit to the size the system 
> will recognize.  Is that true?


>  What size is it?

128 GB.  Anything over that, and your computer will just recognize it 
as a 128 GB drive.  You can get around this limitation by buying a PCI 
ATA controller, at least ATA100.  Then the sky's the limit.

> Any recommendations on hard drives?

I recommend anything that comes with a Mac Compatible PCI Controller 
card in the box with the Hard Drive.  (Do any of them?)  Otherwise, 
you'll be shelling out the dough to buy one ($100+).  Personally, I 
would recommend watching the sales at your local CompUSA for rebates 
that lower the price of the drive to $.50/GB or lower, and replace the 
drives you have with 120 GB drives in your Yikes.  If you still need 
the room, you can add firewire enclosures for your old drives, or you 
can buy a large capacity drive and controller card.  Dunno about 
brands, but Maxtor makes pretty good stuff.


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