[G4] G4 second drive "unsupported"

Paul Moortgat paul.moortgat at pandora.be
Wed Jun 2 19:00:17 PDT 2004

If it's set as slave, it should work.  These settings, you must find on 
the disk, or from the manufacturer.

Paul Moortgat

On 3-jun-04, at 03:31, Dale Hoffman wrote:

>> Another problem could be that his G4 simply does not support two hard 
>> drives on the same circuit and won't recognize anything more than the 
>> original individual Master drive.
> Ron,
> Not the case. I've installed dozens of second internal drives into 
> G3/G4's. In fact it was my reassurance that prompted my friend to go 
> ahead and try it on his own. That and the fact that Apple has 
> instructions in its user manual for installing additional hard disks.
> DaleH

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