OSX networking ???s

Snow White jj4 at sympatico.ca
Tue Jun 15 17:44:54 PDT 2004


Use the login name and password of the target computer and it will 
connect perfectly.

Computer A (Server) has login name PAUL with password PIPPEN and it has 
been set to accept PERSONAL SHARE in the Sharing Sys Prefs.

Computer B has login name KATRINA with password WAVES and is trying to 
access the other computer on the same network.

Login to computer B with Katrina/Waves and then use GO menu CONNECT TO 
SERVER.  Once you find PAUL click connect.  Now you get a loggin screen 
with choices - REGISTERED USER (choose this) and in User Name type PAUL 
and password PIPPEN and hit the OK or Connect button.
Now you will have choices of Disks or Users available to connect to - 
choose what you want and hit OK.  It will now appear as a remote disk 
on your desktop.

NOTE that you are logging into the other computer with the user name 
and password that is on that other computer.  So you log in twice - 
once for your machine and again for the server machine - and the user 
ID / Passwords can be different (usually are).  If that is too 
complicated or you want the auto-fill from the GO menu to work without 
retyping another name, you could create a new user on the server that 
is identical to your user/pass on Computer B. Make it an Admin account 
if you want clear access to the servers systems.  Also remember that 
you can only access the info in the account you logged into, and not 
other accounts on the server.  You will find what you need very quickly 
after you get the general hang of it.


On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 11:03 PM, Power Macintosh G4 List wrote:

> OSX networking ???s
> From: Paul Pippen <gzussfool at earthlink.net>
> Message-ID: <BCF373C2.EE0%gzussfool at earthlink.net>
> I am having a problem hooking up a home network for a 800mhz AGP G4 
> and an
> old iMac (300mhz G3).  Both are running OSX.3.4  I can log in as a 
> guest but
> cannot seem to get any passwords recognized.  Any ideas???
> -- 
> Paul Pippen

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