Thanks for the advice, so far. I was wondering about the 1.5GB limit, as I had remembered reading somewhere that that was primarily an OS9 issue. I know that allot of RAM limits in the past were based less on CPU restrictions and more on what the biggest chips were that could be used for testing prior to product release. I suppose my dream right now, one of them anyway, is that some Apple person reads this list and figures a cool Christmas gift to those of us who can't afford a new computer right now would be a firmware update enabling 1GB DIMMS in the G4. This would be especially nice as then, considering the aforementioned 2GB limit, I could max out my RAM "something fierce" and also keep the DIMM slot that is closer than I would like to the CPU heatsink empty. I'm still a little surprised that an even 1GB or RAM is no longer considered unusual now -- I was kind of hoping that we'd rest at 512 or 768MB for a little while. What happened to make things kind of shoot up past 512, anyway? Is OSX really eating up so much memory in my machine? Is there an easy way to check, like in the old OS9 days? A.