On 08/27/05, Ron Michael <ronmichael at gmail.com> wrote: > > I'm sorry my apostrophes have caused so much concern thus losing my > original message. I only pointed that out because it looked strange on my machine. I've only seen that happen on PC created text docs sent as e-mails. As I responded earlier, it may be that you have set use smart quotes within your mail app-but that's only a WAG. I didn't lose your original message, but, since I don't have your machine, I don't know what's recommended for your machine WRT to HD configurations/modes. That's why I advised seeing what your "Setting up your G4" manual stated. On my G4, 450 MP, Gigabit Ethernet machine, the bottom is the master and the optional one above is the slave. The accompanying manual states that my machine doesn't work with HDs in cable select mode. > Plus I get a lecture from John. What may be "simple > and straight forward" to one person might be confusing to another, > which is the point of these lists, or so I thought. You thought correctly. Sorry if you considered my reply to "I can't find my drive on Hitachi's site" a lecture. I provided the links so that you and others could easily get to what you were looking for at the site. If I offended, accept my apology. Since you have the settings information, what don't you understand? You just move the jumper(s) into the positions shown for the various configurations/modes, as shown in your machine's manual. If you don't have your manual, see if it's available at <http://www.apple.com/support/manuals/> or <http://home.earthlink.net/~strahm_s/manuals.html>.