[G4] Upgrades

Keith Whaley keith_w at dslextreme.com
Thu Feb 10 02:31:59 PST 2005

Tony Johansen wrote:

> On 10/2/2005 4:35 PM, "Robert Hazelrigg" <robzilla at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>I'm thinking of upgrading my G4 APG 400. I like the Sonnet chips
>>myself. no jumpers or noisy fans.
>>The question I have is does anyone how much better the 1.2ghz processor
>>is over the 1ghz processor. I'm just wondering if 0.2 ghz is worth the
>>extra $100.
>>Thank You,

> I wouldn't think that the difference could possibly noticed in any ordinary
> situations. If it were me I'd spend the 100 bucks on extra RAM instead

Unless that extra $100 is really precious, hard to make up, I'd go with 
the slower speed.
By the time you get up to the Ghz range, an additional 20% is not going 
to be noticeable.
If you had those two machines side by side, it would be hard to tell 
which was the faster.
And, I guarantee any speed difference you think you perceive, will go 
away within a couple of weeks. You'll be so used to the faster of the 
two, you'll wonder why you thought it was all that fast!
A very fast processsor rapidly becomes "normal" and you always wish it 
were just a touch faster!
Ever since my 8 Mhz processor, a long time ago, I've absorbed every 
speed increase in the newer processors in a very short period of time...

I'd go with Tony's advise...spend the $100 on RAM. One can never have 
too much...and RAM is easier to install than a processsor chip...

keith whaley

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