[G4] [OT] wrong Java version running???

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Sat Jul 2 00:10:17 PDT 2005

On 07/01/05, Alex <lists at lexial.ca> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2005, at 16:10, Jay Snoke wrote:
>> I am trying to take some on-line training that requires Java version
>> 1.4.2 (verified with a tech-assist phone call) and appears to be
>> written for Windows systems.  Each and ever time I access the server
>> with any browser I have (Safari, firefox, IE, Netscape), a java
>> console pops up in the background with the following data on it:
>> Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.3.1
> This is an issue I don't understand.
> On one hand, Safari does not require or use the Java plug-in. Indeed,
> Apple's Java FAQ[1] clearly states that Safari supports Java applets
> under v1.4.x only. My understanding is that the v1.3.1 plug-in provides
> support for older browsers.
> OTOH, if I check the configuration with an external tool such
> BrowserHawk[2], the Java plug-in version is reported as 1.3.1. Why? No
> clue. There's an issue somewhere, and it may not be with the Java
> applet code, but with how Safari reports the Java version. The
> /Library/Internet Plug-Ins configuration suggests that only Cocoa apps
> can use the v1.4.x plug-in, but that doesn't explain why the applet
> doesn't run in Safari. Disabling it from the Java 1.3.1 Plugin Settings
> doesn't seem to have any effect.

Launch Safari 2.0 (Tiger), select menu Window->Installed plugins reveals these:

Java Plug-in for Cocoa
Java 1.4.2_07 Plug-in (Cocoa) - from file "JavaPluginCocoa.bundle".
MIME Type				Description				Extensions
application/x-java-jnlp-file		Java Web Start Applications		jnlp
application/x-java-applet		Basic Java Applets			javaapplet

Java Plug-in (CFM)
Java 1.3.1 Plug-in (CFM) - from file "Java Applet Plugin Enabler".
MIME Type				Description				Extensions
application/x-java-vm			1.3.1 Specific Java Applets		javaapplettags
application/x-java-applet		Basic Java Applets			javaapplet

Terminal reveals:

$ java -version
java version "1.4.2_07"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_07-215)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-50, mixed mode)

So, I conclude that Safari uses whichever plug-in is required, but it's
basic setup is to use version 1.4.2.

See <http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=301382> for details on
installing 1.4.2 in 10.3.9 and <http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/java/>
for Java for Tiger.

For the adventurous ones, see
<http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=301073> for details on
installing Java 2 SE 5.0 Release 1.

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