[G4] PLAY CHESS! OWC comment re testing processor

John Baltutis baltwo at san.rr.com
Mon Jul 4 10:37:07 PDT 2005

On 07/04/05, Glenn Peterson <glennsan at mac.com> wrote:
>     Very interesting regarding the chess info.  BTW, I have looked in the
> preferences and can't find a way to have it play itself.  What am I missing?

Not reading the Chess->Help->Starting a new chess game information.

1.	Choose Game > New Game.
2.	Choose one of these option from the Players pop-up menu:
	a.	Human vs. Human lets you play against another person.
	b	Human vs. Computer lets you play with the white pieces and make the
first move against the computer.
	c.	Computer vs. Human lets you play with the black pieces and move second.
	d.	Computer vs. Computer lets you watch the computer play against itself.
3.	Choose the type of game you want to play from the Variant pop-up menu.
4.	Click Start.
5.	Drag the pieces to move them, following the rules of the game variant
you chose in step 3. If you castle, move your king first

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