[G4] 8X burns VS. 16X burns

Wayne Clodfelter wayne at troutnc.com
Sat Jul 16 15:56:12 PDT 2005

it is my understanding that 8x means 8 times (faster than) real speed 
(running time when viewing).
So 16x should be essentially twice as fast.

On Jul 16, 2005, at 6:14 PM, James Pacyga wrote:

> Dumb question, but how fast would one expect a 4.7Gb (4.4Gb of data) 
> DVD-R to burn at 8x or 16x?
> The first one I did on my sawtooth 500/AGP took about 4-5 mins (it was 
> 4.2Gb or so).

Wayne Clodfelter
wayne at troutnc.com

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