[G4] 8X burns VS. 16X burns

James Pacyga jim.pacyga at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 17 14:50:01 PDT 2005

I've not had the ZIP on the bus for years (as it was not worth it to me 
and just made noise).

I can say that I have seen DVD-Rs burn in 4 or so minutes.  That seems 
to be 16x based on the previous feedback, so I guess maybe it 
worked...I have not had time to crack open the G4 and see if it has a 
proper 80 pin cable or if just having no SLAVE unit is good enough 
(which based on the discussions about what an 80 pin cable really is, 
seems likely to work just fine).


On Jul 17, 2005, at 11:15 AM, Kevin Willis wrote:

> On Jul 17, 2005, at 11:10 AM, James Pacyga wrote:
>> On possible unique thing is that I pulled my ZIP drive power cord and 
>> IDE connection long ago, so that the DVR-109 is the ONLY unit on the 
>> bus (at the terminated end).
>> Jim
> Did pulling the ZIP drive improve burn times?  I have a 40 GB hard 
> drive on the second connection in my G4 that I use for backing up.  I 
> guess I can put it in a external case if it will allow true 16X burns.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
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