[G4] External Firewire drive options

Daniel Brieck Jr. djbrieck at mac.com
Fri May 13 18:45:25 PDT 2005

Hello All,

Have a little issue with my firewire enclosure. I have a EzQuest Boa 
firewire enclosure with a CD-RW drive in it that works fine, but I just 
bought a new DVD burner and want to put my old DVD-RAM drive in the 
enclosure to erase the DVD-ram disks that I have, however there is a 
problem. Apparently no other drives will work in the enclosure than the 
CD-RW drive that I removed from the case... Any body ever have a 
problem like this before, can the bridge in the enclosure determine 
what drives can connect to it ? The bridge is made by indigita a 
IDT418F, it has jumpers on it but no-one tell you what they do?
Any ideas?

Thank you,

Dan Brieck Jr.

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