[G4] RE: one more question-audio

shopdog shopdog at mac.com
Thu May 26 13:57:33 PDT 2005

I also have found my G4 desktop audio cards, and indeed, even my 
Powerbook G4 built-in audio components to be more than adequate for 
home use (for 2-channel simultaneous analog input).  I have not 
purchased a third party card.

The Mac is very audio-production friendly out of the box.  Even more so 
now with OS 10.


On May 26, 2005, at 4:52 PM, jperdman at earthlink.net wrote:

> Hi Dan -
> I hesitate to ask but since you're a self professed Mac newbie....   
> Are you aware that the G4 Mac you have, probably has a built in sound 
> card that is adequate for all sorts of audio input including 
> microphones? At least for home recordings. I'm not at all suggesting 
> it's studio quality but it does a pretty good job of handling audio 
> input.
> Of course if you are an audiophile you can spend gazillions on high 
> quality AD conversion cards.
> Long ago I stuck a 500 MB stick of memory in to bring my total to 704 
> MB. That's been quite adequate for operating with OS X 10.3.9, 
> Photoshop, and audio programs all at the same time.
> John
> G4 400MHz AGP 704 MB.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dapper dan <dapperdan7 at hotmail.com>
> Sent: May 26, 2005 1:33 PM
> To: g4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com
> Subject: [G4] thanx for the pointers: one more question-audio
> i appreciate the book suggestions.i realize mac is a different world.
> any suggestions on external sound card/software for live recording/home
> recording?will bumping my g4 up to 640 mb be enough for this type of 
> use?and
> should i be aware of buying cheaper memory online in terms of quality 
> or are
> all the cards offered similar?
> thanx
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