[G4] hard drive madness

Alex Hurst corkflor at iol.ie
Sat Oct 15 12:28:22 PDT 2005

John (who knows much more than I do) wrote:

>it's almost time for a new system, maybe a quicksilver...
I can only tell you folks that my bargain ebay G4 Sawtooth tower 
under Panther 10.3.9 has proved rock solid, and, much to my surprise, 
has had few problems communicating with two G3s under 9.2.2 via 

As a Mac tyro. I work on the time-honoured principle that "if it 
ain't broke, you don't fix it".

My requirement is that the G4 runs the programs I want it to with the 
minimum of hassle. This it does (including Photoshop 5 under Classic) 
with no problems.

My only beef is that Eudora for Mac OS X seems to take an age sorting 
out the filters on incoming email.

Anyone got a fix/workaround for this?



Alex & Carmel Hurst
Near Cork

Tel: +353 21 454 3328
Mobile: +353 87 245 7048
Work: +353 21 427 0907
email: corkflor at iol.ie
Home Pages: http://www.iol.ie/~corkflor

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