[G4] Can't Erase

Jim Manley jpmanley at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 16:06:13 PDT 2005

On Oct 18, 2005, at 4:58 PM, whshaw wrote:

> Hello,
> I have an eMac using OS 10.4.2.
> I have an external WD HD that I use as a backup drive.
> I decided today to erase it and start over with automatic backups  
> every week. I used the apple utility program. I set it to erase and  
> after erasing for a while the program stopped with a note
> Volume erase failed with the error- Could not unmount disk.
> This is a new one to me. How do I get around it?

That means that you have open files from that drive. Reboot and go  
right into disk utility.
James Paul Manley
jpmanley at gmail.com

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