[G4] A joke

Doug McNutt douglist at macnauchtan.com
Fri Oct 28 10:38:33 PDT 2005

At 15:10 +1000 10/28/05, Tony Johansen wrote, in part:
>On 28/10/2005 2:15 PM, "Daniel Brieck Jr." <djbrieck at mac.com> wrote in part:
>> It is a joke that there are still web-pages that require Internet
> > Explorer, and will not run on anything else.
>If only it were that simple. Many if not most cases are exactly as you
>describe and have as much to do with IE blindness as anything else. But
>unfortunately IE, Netscape and Firefox all have built in extensions that are
>plain useful, Safari and Opera lack those same extensions.

One way to create IE-only web pages is to use web development software provided by Micro$oft. My bank is a classic example. They even have the temerity to explain that they go that way because of security holes in OTHER browsers.

The bank's software does not simply examine the user agent header but rather uses what appears to be clandestine JavaScript techniques to see if a response really comes from Internet Exploder.

I hack it now by being careful about which cookies to save and entering on the bank's https login page rather than via the recommended http entry. I wonder how long it will be before they check the JavaScript on each page and I find a new bank.

--> If you are presented a number as a percentage, and you do not clearly understand the numerator and the denominator involved, you are surely being lied to. <--

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