[G4] HP Commercial

Richard M. Kriss rmkriss at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 13 08:39:03 PDT 2005

Will your computer run this movie?  My G4 1GHz freezes at the 60% mark.

Really well done home made version of those awesome HP commercials.


I don't know if this is problem with my Mac, the most current Windows Media
Player or the web site.  The web site has a useless


that takes you to there support page that says to use Windows Media Player
version 10 for Mac OSX; however, when you go to MS it says version 9 is the
most current for OSX.  They also have some hack for Firefox users that does
not work. I tried the HP commercial with Safari and Firefox and both crapped
out at about 60%. Internet Explorer crapped out at 40%.

I feel sure the guy put a lot of work into the home made version of the HP
commercial.  Too bad it cannot be viewed on on a Mac.

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