On 09/13/05, "Richard M. Kriss" <rmkriss at sbcglobal.net> wrote: > > Will your computer run this movie? My G4 1GHz freezes at the 60% mark. Some disconnect with the site's code and Safari's WMP plug-in. Same thing happened on my G4, 450 MP, running 10.4.2. DL it. It's at <http://media4.big-boys.com/content/hpphoto.wmv>. Paste in the URL, hold down the OPT key, and hit the Enter key->DLs to your DL folder. Plays without interruption on WMP 9. File a bug and let Apple's engineering folks sort it out. Send bug reports and enhancement requests to Apple via its Bug Reporter system. Go to <https://connect.apple.com/MemberSite> and join the Apple Developer Connection (ADC)-it's free and available for all Mac users and gets you a look at some development software. Then, go to <https://bugreport.apple.com/>, click on the Login to the Apple BugReporter link (using your ADC username and password), and file your bug report/enhancement request. The nice thing with this procedure is that you get a response and a follow-up number; thus, starting a dialog with engineering. If your item isn't fixed with a new update, you can fire a follow-up on your original, via e-mail.