[G4] Cable Modem and Seeing Activity Thereof

John McClernan jmcclernan at cranburyschool.org
Wed Apr 5 11:54:13 PDT 2006

I have used these:



> From: Alex Hurst <corkflor at iol.ie>
> Reply-To: "A place to discuss Apple's G4 computers."
> <g4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 19:10:27 +0100
> To: "A place to discuss Apple's G4 computers."
> <g4 at listserver.themacintoshguy.com>
> Subject: Re: [G4] Cable Modem and Seeing Activity Thereof
> Anne wrote:
>> I got some fast internet service thru my local cable company. It's
>> pretty good, but now and then there's a stalling effect, where web
>> pages don't load on any browser. Only thing that gets things going
>> again seems to be a restart of the computer. With the dialup, I
>> could check the connection status, speed, etc.
>> How do I check things with the cable modem? I'm thinking the trouble
>> is if one page stalls, somehow the cable modem doesn't realize it
>> shouldn't keep trying forever. I'd like to manually
>> disconnect/reconnect but don't know how.
> The simplest way to do this is to Google one of the many sites that
> will check modem speeds for free.
> 'test modem speed free' should get you quite a few.
> Then carefully follow the instructions.
> As to page hang-ups, this happens occasionally however fast your
> modem. Just click the 'stop loading' button in your browser bar and
> try again.
> Best
> Alex
> -- 
> Alex & Carmel Hurst
> Waterfall
> Near Cork
> Ireland
> Tel: +353 21 454 3328
> Mobile: +353 87 245 7048
> Work: +353 21 427 0907
> email: corkflor at iol.ie
> Home Pages: http://www.iol.ie/~corkflor
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