[G4] Hard Disk upgrade for powerpc G4

Philip J Robar pjrobar at areyoureallythatstupid.org
Wed Apr 5 12:36:54 PDT 2006

On Mar 31, 2006, at 1:13 PM, marco santos wrote:

> I have a powerpc G4 AGP Graphics and I would like to upgrade my  
> H.Disk. On the internet I checked my ATA Interface on the  
> motherboard is ATA/66. And, in all the places I checked for new  
> HDs, they only have ATA/100. Is it compatible? If not, what shoud I  
> do?

This question has been asked and answered repeatedly and extensively  
on this list. Search the list's archives for the answers.

Unfortunately the archive's search facility is effectively hidden in  
that it's only presented on the web page that describes the list  
(which most people only visit once), as opposed to the archive pages  
themselves or the page that the link included with each message to  
the list takes you to -- which would make a lot more sense.

See http://www.themacintoshguy.com/lists/G4.html


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