[G4] Orig. peripherals needed?

Philip J Robar pjrobar at areyoureallythatstupid.org
Sat Apr 8 07:52:37 PDT 2006

On Apr 8, 2006, at 5:47 AM, Eric Buczynski wrote:

> I have a G4 Digital Audio model upgraded to a Sonnet 1.2Ghz G4  
> processor. I also have a Motorola 802.11g PCI card in place of the  
> original Airport card. Do I need to keep these around in case I do  
> a brand new installation of Tiger or the next operating system?

While it seems unlikely that you'll have a problem with the Sonnet in  
the foreseeable future, I wouldn't think, but haven't checked, that  
the original processor would sell for enough to justify not keeping  
it just in case. On the other hand Airport cards are rather valuable  
these days and you can always revert to ethernet if you need to.

> The reason I ask is because I had a Powermac 7300 which had a 68040  
> daughtercard

You meant 604e, yes?

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