[G4] PS CS2 from G4 to Ibook?

Hector I.Macedo hecmac at comcast.net
Sun Apr 9 15:00:55 PDT 2006

A firewire cable  (6 to 6) is all you need, you may already have one  
if you have any firewire device.

On Apr 9, 2006, at 2:57 PM, Thomas J. Fobia wrote:

> Thanks Hector and Frank! It sounds like the Migration Assistance  
> app will do the transfer of Photoshop CS2. Do you know offhand what  
> method is used to connect the two computers (Firewire or USB)?  
> Would that cable come with the laptop or do I need to purchase one  
> especially for this useage? Sounds like a firewire cable with two  
> male ends since usb has some voltage on the line!
> Thanks again!
> Tom

Hector I. Macedo                                          "Lord of  
the Flies"
Dallas, TX 75248

"Piscaro Itaque dicet mendacium"

Then round his hook the chosen fur he winds,
And on the back a speckled feather binds;
So just the colours shine through ev'ry part,
That nature seems to live again in art.
                     John Gay
                         Rural Sports 1720

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