[G4] Software Update

GDB-MDD-X.4.5 dougburton at vevayindiana.net
Tue Apr 11 15:53:14 PDT 2006

On Apr 11, 2006, at 11:08 AM, Dan A Currie wrote:

> Hello All and welcome back,
> My dualie MDD 1.25 w/ 2GB RAM and currently running 10.4 keeps  
> asking to update the OS to 10.4.6.  I had heard that there were  
> some issues with 10.4.5 so I am wondering if 10.4.6 is worth it.   
> 10.4 basic seems to work fine on my MAChine.
> Opinions, etc. welcome,
> Dan A. Currie, Jr.

I've been running it (10.4.6) since the update popped up and things  
here are just fine and dandy so far.  Of course I ran 10.4.5 with no  
problems either so YMMV.  HTH

Just a message from Doug...

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