On Aug 14, 2006, at 6:50 AM, Frank Sudore wrote: > Something strange has happened. I have Quicktime Pro > and when I go to view something in Safari I get a "No picture" > error in the Window. I have Flip 4 Mac & VLC as well. > Has one of these plug-in's corrupted my QT? I've tried > re-installing QT, Un-install VLC and re-set Safari. (It also > happens in Firefox). The strange thing is that it works with > Internet Explorer. ANY SUGGESTIONS? > Best Regards, > > Frank Sudore > fsudore at mac.com > 954-253-1933 This is a known error caused by the VLC plugin. Try the following: Open your HD/Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder. Drag the one with VLC in its name to your Desktop (so you can put it back if you want). Quit and relaunch your browser and try the page again. Phil