[G4] Re: System profiler and PC-133 RAM

nagable at comcast.net nagable at comcast.net
Mon Aug 21 17:40:14 PDT 2006

I got the firmware upgrade with the processor, and tech support said the upgrade was required.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Harry Freeman <harry at gifutiger.com>
> Greetings ( + )!( + )
> If you got the firmware up-grade from Apple, when you tried to install 
> the Up-grade it would have told you that it wasn't required if your 
> machine didn't require or was inapplicable to your platform.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> On Aug 20, 2006, at 8:46 AM, nagable at comcast.net wrote:
> > Het, thanks for the responses, guys.  The problem is still ongoing.  I 
> > wouldn't care how the RAM was recognized if I did'nt get the system 
> > freeze an hour or so  into the run.  I have a friend who has the 
> > identical machine without the processor upgrade, and his recognized 
> > the RAM as PC133.  He's gonna lend me one of his chips to try in my 
> > machine.  I'll let you know how it turns out.
> >
> > I'd like to hear from others who got the Sonnet 1.8 GHz dual processor 
> > upgrade.  It required a firmware upgrade before installation, and for 
> > that you had to boot into OS 9.  Now I'm wondering if the firmware 
> > upgrade was only required on the older G4s (mine is Quicksilver 2002).
> >
> > Stay tuned.  I'll keep you posted.  Incidentally, the computer really 
> > flies (before it freezes...).
> >
> > Nate
> >
> >  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> > From: Nicolas Kinnan <nasw at pcmagic.net>
> >> Hey, Nate,
> >>
> >> I'm no expert on anything, but I've long had a similar problem with my
> >> 533DP, running 10.3.9...  I have two 512MB PC133 DIMMs that I bought
> >> specifically because they were CL2, but System Profiler has never, 
> >> ever
> >> recognised them for what they are.  It has consistently reported one 
> >> as
> >> CL3 and the other as PC100!  I have no idea why this is, as I am 
> >> either
> >> very certain they are premium RAM, or at least I have convinced myself
> >> they are.  They both say PC133, at least...
> >>
> >> At any rate, I have heard that this is a rather common issue with Sys
> >> Pro, so I generally don't worry about it.
> >>
> >> I am interested in finding out how your upgrade situation resolves,
> >> though, as I am leaning strongly towards one of the 1.8DP upgrades 
> >> from
> >> Sonnet or Giga (weird:  they now look the same), as I can't afford a
> >> completely new machine and even if I could, kind of want to save my
> >> resources for whatever is available when or if CS3 ships...  Unless
> >> used G5's drop in price by about a thousand dollars between now and
> >> then, of course.
> >>
> >> NAK
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 18 Aug 2006, at 13:53, g4-request at listserver.themacintoshguy.com
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi everyone,
> >>>
> >>> I have a fussy computer (Quicksilver 2002 800 MHz originally, 
> >>> upgraded
> >>> processor to Sonnet 1.8GHz dual).  I get a lot of freezes, usually
> >>> while on the Internet or in the e-mail app on the Internet.  I ran
> >>> disk repair from another startup disk (fixed a lot of stuff) and
> >>> disabled Classic, but still get the ocasional freeze--it fact i was
> >>> kicked out twice while writing this.
> >>>
> >>> I thought the problem might be because the System profiler reads the
> >>> RAM at PC100.  It's OWC RAM, probably about 2 years old.  I didn't
> >>> look at the chip, just figured maybe I bought cheap RAM to years ago
> >>> and settled for PC100.   I called OWC Tech support and asked if that
> >>> might cause a problem and they said it might, so I ordered 3 more PC
> >>> 133 512MB chips, thinking I might sell the PC-100 to old iMac owners.
> >>>
> >>> The chips came, I installed them and checked the profiler.  It still
> >>> read that the chips were PC-100!  I looked at the labels on the chips
> >>> I removed, and they, too, were PC 133.
> >>>
> >>> What's up with that? Any ideas?  OWC tech support is next on my list
> >>> of calls.  I don't need 5 chips for three slots.
> >>>
> >>> Nate
> Cheers, /\*_*/\
> Harry (*^_^*)
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