[G4] Noisy G4/933 Quicksilver

Daniel Brieck Jr. djbrieck at mac.com
Thu Feb 23 10:49:04 PST 2006

Does the case noise stop if you grab hold of the carrying handle ? if  
it does than it might be a vibration issue from the hard drives. I  
had a Seagate drive that would cause the case to vibrate and cause  
harmonic vocalizations noise through the case and door.

If thats is not it then carefully open the side door while the  
computer is on and see if you can hear were the noise is coming from.

I had to replace the CPU fan on my Quicksilver 867. If was producing  
noise sound and  vibration. It did not spin freely when turned also.  
So check when your computer is off and see if all the fans spin  
freely and are clear of dust and dirt...

Daniel J. Brieck Jr.

On Feb 23, 2006, at 1:09 PM, Richard Ramsowr wrote:

> It could be a fan going bad - and it will only get
> worst - so look around and find a replacement for it
> and if that doesn't solve the problem wel it's most
> likely the drive
> --- Pat Crowe <crowesnest at aapt.net.au> wrote:
>> When my G4 is first switched on, it is reasonably
>> quiet but after 20
>> or 30 minutes the noise level has risen
>> considerably. I understand
>> that two 7200rpm HDs are going to make some noise
>> and I am assuming
>> this is the noise I hear when first starting.
>> If the extra noise is being generated by the cooling
>> fans, can I
>> assume these cooling fans are driven by demand? ie.
>> as the
>> temperature climbs, the fans start and then increase
>> speed as required?
>> I note that the air exhausting from the CPU is not
>> even warm.
>> Jessamine.

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