[G4] System Performance Memory Results

Daniel Brieck Jr. djbrieck at mac.com
Wed May 10 16:47:47 PDT 2006

Always try to buy the biggest ram modules that you can afford. So if  
you have two slots free try to fill them with 512MB boards if you  
can. If you buy a lot of smaller modules you are essentially wasting  
your money, if you need to upgrade again later, you have to pull the  
smaller ones back out, the 512MB ones you put in are there for  
life... Memory for the G4's is relatively inexpensive now so that is  
good. 512MB cost me about $55.00 so look around http:// 
www.ramseeker.com is a good place to check.


On May 10, 2006, at 12:17 PM, ProbaleCause at aol.com wrote:

> My question is; I have a Sawtooth with a 256 stick and a 512 stick  
> and two open slots. Both are read by the profiler as 133. Would I  
> be better off to put four 256 sticks for one Gig of RAM  or put two  
> more 256 Sticks or one 512 stick? What would be the best  
> configeration of RAM in this machine? and I know that 4 512 stick  
> would give me two gigs of RAM and four 256 sticks would give me one  
> G. What i am asking is the mixed configuration I am now using wrong?
> Bailey Terry
> 35643
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