[G4] Housekeeping Question OS X (10.3.9)

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Fri May 26 01:52:21 PDT 2006

nagable at comcast.net wrote:
> Microsoft Outlook does that...
> Nate

My test (below) showed it wasn't my software generating it, so it had to come 
from elsewhere.
Thanks for the clarification.


>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: keith_w <keith_w at dslextreme.com>
>> Richard Ramsowr wrote:
>>> Of late IÕve noticed the fact that in my ÒAbout OS XÓ
>>> window the ÒMore Info...Ó button is gray in color and
>>> will not open.
>>> What is going on and is there a fix?
>>> Short of that is there a second pathway to that
>>> information?
>>> I kind of ask these question in waves - sorry!
>>> Rich thefireguy

>> The biggest fix you could do is to get back to plain text, somehow!
>> You've got all those funny symbols in your message!
>> I think they stand for apostrophes or quote marks, like ''' or """.
>> keith

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