[G4] External Drives Not Mounting

John Niven senseamp at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 28 11:39:52 PST 2006

--- John Baltutis <baltwo at san.rr.com> wrote:

> You launch System Profiler and check the version.
> Once it's updated, you can't
> redo it.

So, your opinion is that one cannot reload firmware?
Why not? If it's stored in flash memory then it should
be capable of being erased and reprogrammed. The thing
that prevents that is the software controlling the
update. Maybe there is different s/w?

> Obviously, it's not a G4 design problem, since it
> works on the other G4 and
> three ext FWHDs and two FW burners work on my 6-yr
> old G4, 450 MP.

Are you the kind of accountant that would let me ride
my family around in a car with a bomb for a gas tank?

I know it CAN work. My point is it has obviously
STOPPED working on a fair number of machines, and can
therefore be considered a design flaw. I don't believe
that I've damaged all three firewire ports in a way
that lets them provide power but not mount my drive.
Sounds like s/w to me. If it was an OS problem then
you would re-load the OS. Why can't I re-load the
firmware (just a lower level OS)?

I'm sure Apple isn't interested in solving the problem
on a outdated G4. I just find it an interesting

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