[G4] Graphite G4 Tower Won't turn on

Wayne Wilkin macsys at mac.com
Mon Oct 30 08:47:31 PST 2006

Have you tried plugging in the computer and opening the case. Look  
for the Battery. Beside the battery there should be a very very small  
switch, it's a push button. Push the button and hold in down for  
about 5 seconds then see if it starts up, Wayne.

On Oct 30, 2006, at 11:39 AM, Richard Klein wrote:

> MusikalOne at aol.com wrote:
>> I just acquired a Graphite G4 Tower, and it will not power up.  I  
>> noticed when the case is open, and the cable is plugged in, that  
>> every second or so, the fan makes a little noise as if to start,  
>> and moves ever so slightly.  This behaviour repeats every second .  
>> I cannot find the switch that disables powering up the computer  
>> when the case is open, but I did find a small whie cable with a  
>> small 90degree fitting on it just dangling.  Not sure if this is  
>> part of the problem and not having another G4 to look at, I have  
>> no idea where this wire is supposed to go. Any suggestions?
>> JC
> I think that small white cable you're talking about is the antenna  
> for an optional airport wireless card.
> -- 
> Rich
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