[G4] Re: MDD dead?

Melinda mgarrelts at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 27 15:23:55 PDT 2007

>The POST must not have gotten even that far as there
was no signal/beep.

Could the motherboard be fried? Maybe the main
processing IC up 'n died? It's the only thing that
hasn't been mentioned yet.

- Peter
Sorry I didn't chime in before.  The exact symptoms
happened to me.  Plugged in a nano and the machine
froze.   Did PMU reset, all was well.  Couple of days
later, same thing again.  PMU reset, no dice.  I got
fans starting, then going full speed, hard drives
spinning, I could feel them, LED on mobo on, but
absolutely nothing else.  Same deal with the light on
the switch.  Only thing is that I can't always even do
the switch turn off, sometimes it has to be pull the
plug time.  I too did all of the voodoo dances and
couldn't get it to work.  Finally decided it was
either CPU or mobo.  Sent thee CPU off to be tested in
an identical machine, worked fine.  So I'm pretty sure
mine is a mobo issue, although I have no way to test


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