[G4] Browsers

keith_w keith_w at dslextreme.com
Sun Feb 4 07:42:18 PST 2007

Brett George wrote:
> I've heard about Opera but never tested it. I guess I have to try it out 
> now.
> brett

Since I got SeaMonkey, I don't feel the need to switch, but all I recall 
is, I opened it once, looked most of the features over, and thought it 
was "Close...but no cigar."

I'll stick with SeaMonkey.
I've no idea how large it is, but it doesn't seem to load the system 
down any.
Wait, I just looked it up, and the download is 23 MB.

> wrdptrsn wrote:
>> The best browser that I've ever used, and still use is Opera.
>> I run the latest version (9.1) with Panther and Tiger.
>> It less than 30 MB's in size (app only) and has a mail app as well.
>> I keep it open for days on end, and only restart it to clear the cache.
>> I find it to be very fast even with 10 tabs open.
>> I have tried Firefox but found it to be bloatware, like Safari.
>> I have 896 MB's of memory.

How do you get to 7/8ths of a full Gig? 896 MB is an odd number, in my 
mind. Just a curiosity!  <g>

keith whaley

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