[G4] Tiger upgrade

John Niven senseamp at yahoo.com
Sat May 5 17:42:54 PDT 2007

I have a Sonnet Tempo Serial ATA which I have used for
a while. Firstly in a G3 B&W:booted os 9 or 10.3, then
10.4 no problem. Also at some point it had two drives
on it.

Until recently, it was in a G4 AGP with a 180Gb drive
and 10.4. Just yesterday I found another identical
drive and thought I'd try a RAID1 mirror.

First I tried just two separate drives, which seemed

So I created a 180Gb mirrored volume and cloned my OS
onto it. This will boot fine. However, I seem to be
having erratic behaviour when it comes out of deep
sleep. Seems to hang sometimes, work others.

It sleeps fine with a standard OS volume on the card,
but struggles with the mirror. Any suggestions would
be  welcome.

But in answer to the OP, it probably depends on the
pci card you have, but it should be possible.

--- lriv2264 at aim.com wrote:

>  I have a G4 that I'm trying to upgrade to OS X
> Tiger. I have two new SATA drives connected to a PCI
> SATA host adapter. I install Tiger to one of the
> drives and everything seems to install fine. When
> the machine restarts however, the installer starts
> again and I can't eject the dvd from the drive. To
> remove the dvd, I reconnected the old hard drive (
> with os x 10.3 on it ) and removed it. I then went
> to the startup disk in system preferences and tried
> to start the machine with the new os x. But on
> restart, all I get is a folder that blinks with a
> picture of the finder in it. Please help me boot
> into my new os ! Thanks. 
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