[G4] G4 APG graphics CPU upgrade

John Niven senseamp at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 9 18:59:46 PST 2007

Frankly if your budget is $400 then I'd go buy a whole
new mac!

There is more to speed than cpu frequency. Faster
memory bus, faster HD interfaces. Lot's of people do,
but I say don't spend that much on a cpu upgrade, sell
your machine, and buy a later model.

--- c m <dachamp_11226 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have to HD in my G4. one has the original OS9.2
> and the other has OS 10.4
> I have a budget of ~$400....I figure if i am going
> to
> spend it why not on something higher than dual
> 500MHz.....

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