[G4] Re: Swapping SCSI to IDE in G4 Sawtooth

Technophobic_Tom at comcast.net Technophobic_Tom at comcast.net
Sun Oct 7 10:52:24 PDT 2007

On 6 Oct 2007 16:51:29 -0700, Jim S

>I have an older Sawtooth, it's a 450 with 2 - 18gig Seagate hard 
>drives...I have a new 80gig ATA/IDE drive that I'd like to 
>install...I don't want the SCSI card or drives....

Get an IDE cable. Plug one end of the cable into the IDE HD and the 
other end into the computer IDE interface. Connect the power...you 
may need to grab the power cable from one of the SCII drives. Copy 
your files over. Install a system on the IDE. Remove the SCII stuff.

Don't connect or disconnect any cables with the computer running!

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