[G4] Re: G4 Digital Audio video no show

Lee Strosch lstrosch at gmail.com
Thu Oct 18 17:50:24 PDT 2007

I tried the suggestion of removing the RAM and replacing them, but now
there is a new problem.  Sometimes the machine doesn't start up.  The
light comes on, but no start up chime and there is no sound from the
harddrive.  Other times the light comes on and there is noise from the
harddrive, but no chime.  And there is still no video.   I also tried
starting it up from the system cd, but no luck there.  The harddrive
does boot up on my g3.  Suggestions?


Right-o. Your AGP video card is likely fine, so now try swapping other
things out beginning with RAM. Take all RAM modules out and then place
one back in and see how it boots. If it doesn't boot, replace with a
different module.


On Mon, 2007-10-15 at 11:50 -0700, Ronald Steinke wrote:
>* On 13 Oct, 2007, at 16:16, Lee Strosch wrote:
*>* > I tried the PCI video card from my G3, but there was still no
picture.  I have zapped the PRAM, and tried a different battery.  Any
other suggestions?
*>* This may sound very elementary but, have you tried using totally
*>* different RAM chips in your Mac? I ask this because it is common for a
*>* Mac to refuse to boot and show a video signal when the installed RAM
*>* chips are not compatible with a Mac.
*>* When you start the Mac, do you hear the normal startup chime, or do
*>* you hear a discordant series of individual notes or a beeping sound?
*>* Is there any sound at all when you press the power button? You may
*>* have a RAM problem and not a video problem.
*>* _______________________________________________*
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