[G4] HD's & Finder window shut down

Umar Stone umartisan at mac.com
Wed May 28 05:58:45 PDT 2008

G'day, I'm worried about my G4, suddenly unresponsive by not letting  
me access my HD's located on screen (I have a SATA as well as an  
external) on the finder window or any folders/apps. when I click on  
them it just responds with a typical 'blink' like a finder reset. I  
can open them from the Home or Application shortcut, but lots of  
files are not responding, especially downloads (they just fail to  
load). My G4 runs on X.4.9, I've tried Disk Warrior/ Safe Boot/ 
Reinstall but that disk is a 10.3.5 (would a latter one help). It all  
occurred after X11 was not being recognized by X11 required programs  
(Gimp etc.) so I 'apple deleted' it and reinstalled it from the  
optional extras on the disk, then the nightmare began, can you give  
me any advice, any would be appreciated
yours sincerely Umar.
umartisan at mac.com 

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