[G4] OS 9 partition

Eric Smith eric-s-smith at comcast.net
Mon Mar 16 16:52:22 PDT 2009


According to the Mac OS compatibility chart, all eMacs require 9.2.2:


And depending on which model it is, it may require the version
of 9.2.2 that shipped with the system, or else it may not boot
directly to OS 9 but only use Classic mode.

Eric S.

Frank Sudore wrote:
> Bought a 1ghz Emac for 75.0 to run old OS 9 games. has Panther installed 
> but no classic. Tried to install 9 from 9.0 install discs but the 
> machine will not boot from these. Am i missing something? It's been a 
> long long time since I messed with 9.
> Thanks!

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