[G4] snow leopard

Keith Whaley keith_w at dslextreme.com
Tue Sep 22 13:34:06 PDT 2009

Eric Smith wrote:
> Keith Whaley wrote:
>> Eric Smith wrote:


> In any case the idea that Snow Leopard performs better due to the
> removal of PPC code simply doesn't compute. Intel systems don't run
> PPC code, so how can removing it affect them? In Leopard that code
> may be sitting on the disk but aside from taking up some disk space,
> in system operation it isn't used.

Answering your post bit by bit is far easier.

Words like "better" require a comparison be made.

In this case, we're comparing Intel systems with NON-Intel systems.
Or, if you will, OS 10.5.x with 10.6.x.

Are you telling me that 5.x with PPC code inside exhibits no slowdown from 6.x 
with that same PPC code removed? That they will be equally fast?

Or, are we comparing Tiger with both/either Leopard?


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