[G4] MDD G4 Dual Processors

Bruce Ryan Nakamura galilao at lava.net
Fri Apr 9 11:41:48 PDT 2010


A dual processor G4 should run faster on most functions than a single  
processor G4. It anecdotally seems that my dual 1.25GHz MDD launches  
browsers and boots up faster than the dual 867 MHz MDDs at my workplace.

Does a dual 1.25 Ghz MDD with 1.25 GB of RAM run faster than a single  
1.25 Ghz MDD with 2GB of RAM? That is difficult to answer without  
knowing all the variables. If you were getting out of memory messages  
with a single processor MDD with 1.25 GB of RAM, then a dual  
processor MDD with the same amount of memory will still give you the  
same out of memory message. The dual 1.25 Ghz MDD's have a 167 Mhz  
speed bus. In a single 1.25 Ghz MDD, I think the bus speed is 100  
Mhz, but I could be wrong about that.

Taking a look at the performance monitor displays on both MDD's will  
probably give you a better answer.


Bruce Ryan Nakamura

On Apr 9, 2010, at 6:23 AM, Patrick Hale wrote:

> Hey guys,
> i just bought a 1.25ghz dual processor to replace my single, my  
> question is will I notice any speed improvements or only with  
> applications that can take advantage of it.  Also I have 1.25 gbs  
> of ram in their would my money have been better spent on more memory?
> Thx
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